Friday, February 18, 2011

Secret Reddit Sharer: A PhD. Engineering student (from a Top 10 university)

I have never told anyone this. Ever.

When I was a child, for about 3 years, I was molested by my female babysitter, who was probably 10-12 years older than me. I am male. I think this was when I was 5-7 years old and she was about 16 to 18. It started off she would just make me play with her breasts, for I would say what would be for 3 hours every day. She would tell me not to tell my parents or I would get in trouble. I wish I could go back in time and scream at myself to tell my parents. She wasn't injuring me and I was terrified of being in trouble with my parents. Let me be clear that I do not blame my parents at all. They were never authoritarian, never spanked me, and were/are fantastic people. I was more afraid of the babysitter than I was of my parents.

Eventually it escalated to her having me finger her, and at one point she told me to use my penis, but for some reason I knew better than to do this. I remember specifically asking her if that would make a baby and then I refused to do it. This was eventually a daily occurrence, feeling her breasts and then fingering her. She would then placate me with super mario 3 on the nintendo.

My sister, who is five years older than me, was aware the whole time, but was under the same threat from the babysitter. I wish she had known better and told our parents, but again I don't blame her at all. I detest this babysitter, and I suspect much of this abuse caused me to be the mild porn/sex addict I am today. I detest this woman, but I don't think it would be in anyone's interest to bring this up, as I'm fully grown and quite successful in an engineering graduate program. If I ever see her again, I don't suspect I'll be able to look her in the eye.

Just writing this down makes me feel a lot better about it. As I've said, I have never told anyone about this ever before. The only people who know are myself, my sister, and the abuser.

Thanks, reddit. AMA if you want.

edit: I know this isn't IAMA, but I'm going to bed.

Read more about him; Some selected excerpts. Quite simple BUT FAIRLY BIG issues to deal with. The life turns upside down when this sort of molestation (or any kind of abuse takes place)

Babysitter molested me, now she's a kindergarten teacher. What do I do? (self.AskReddit) by touchedbyababysitter

I don't want to be a victim. I don't want any money. I don't want my parents to think there is something they could have done. I don't want my hometown to know I was the molested kid. I just want her to be removed from her job, and never be allowed to work with children again. The statute of limitations in the state in which this occurred is 30 years from the day I turned 18.

...The other side of the coin is that I'm looking too far into my infatuation with sex because society has told me being sexually abused leads to a sexually dysfunctional mind.